

A 6 week Journey to more Joy and Connection in your Marriage

Join me for a transformational journey
to a marriage where you feel
supported, taken care of, connected, and loved!

Even in a healthy marriage, people struggle.

This isn't just another marriage course.

I’m inviting you to join a journey that starts with you – understanding your desires, your emotions, and, most importantly, how to find joy in your own life.

After 20 years of research and experimentation and after coaching and guiding countless women through their marital challenges. I’ve taken the most powerful principles and tools and created a roadmap. 

These tools are not widely known or taught.

In this course,we will travel a journey of experiential learning where the tools become your personal guide and manual to build the happy marriage you have dreamed of without your husband getting involved at all!

"Rivke Gardner has broken new ground in restoring health and vitality to personal and interpersonal relationships."

- Rabbi Michel and Rebbetzin Feigie Twerski

“The level of people in the class made it intriguing. Rivke skillfully led the classes, hosting a range of participants, including experienced therapists and psychologists. She never flinched. She was thought-through, articulate, and sensitive.”

— Shira Horowitz, Ontological Life Coach

"This is not a "tips and techniques" class. The knowledge and insight this workshop gives gets to the core of our issues, straightens our thinking, and creates change from the inside out. It is an incredible journey!"

– Chani C

“Rivke had new perspectives and techniques on how to address relationships. It was simple – yet it had a deep effect. Her approach was much better than the way I’d been doing things. And they work.”

— Sara Hofman, LCSW, Psychotherapist, USA

“My husband and I found each other so irritating, annoying, disappointing…step by step, through working on and focusing on myself, not my husband, I was slowly able to change the pattern. It might take two to tango but it takes just one to alter a negative dynamic. My moves changed me, internally, and as a ripple effect, my marriage.”

— Shifra, New York

Rivke Gardner

Marriage Coach

Years ago, as an idealistic newlywed, I set out into the uncharted territory called marriage. I thought I knew what it would take to be the “perfect” wife and create the “perfect” marriage.

It didn’t take me long to realize that it wasn’t working- I felt overwhelmed and distressed, and didn’t know what I had to do to create a marriage that was deeply connected, supportive, passionate, and fulfilling.

I set out on a quest to MASTER MY MARRIAGE. I spent 18 years learning everything I could about marriage success, taking extensive training courses, becoming certified as a Mastery coach, and discovering what REALLY works!

It pained me that people were struggling and didn’t have the knowledge of how to change their situation. After testing different ideas in my marriage and in the marriages of my clients, and after identifying the tools that equip women to strengthen their marriages and reduce stress in a quick and powerful way, it has become my mission to make sure everyone learns these little known and very impactful tools and techniques that can turn a marriage from lonely and painful to deeply connected and loving. I am committed to giving women the knowledge, tools and support they need to transform their marriages for real. !



ONLY $289


Week Two

My Emotions and Zone of Wellbeing
To create intimacy in your marriage you first need to take ownership of your emotions and wellbeing. These tools are the foundations of personal wellbeing and the ability to ride the waves of your emotions gracefully.

Week One

Contrast to Clarity: What do I really Want?
Use powerful tools to access the authentic desires you have for your Marriage. Learn how to tap into the
power of desire to create the marriage you have always dreamed of.

Week Four

Letting Go of Judgement and Resentment
Learn a tool that can turn our thoughts on their heads, allow us to release the judgement we are holding about our husbands and gain some valuable insight into ourselves.

Week Three

Frog Farming and Releasing My Fears
Some women know the secrets to turn frogs into princes, however most women turn princes into frogs. Trying to change men doesn't usually work so it's probably easier to change ourselves. Discover the secrets that can bring out the best in your man.

Week Six

Becoming a Vessel to Receive Goodness
We have all heard about men providing and women receiving. What does this really mean? How do we tap into this fundamental dynamic in a deeper way that can create lasting change?

Week Five

Embracing our Humanity
To maintain intimacy in our marriages, we must be standing eye to eye with our husbands, not superior or inferior in value and worth. This powerful tool brings us back to balance

The New Cohort is Starting SOON!
Sunday January 26th

We can’t wait to have you join us on this amazing adventure!

For any questions or to get started, visit our website or reach out directly at or WhatsApp: 216-926-9036..